14 April 2022
According to building developers Lateral, refurbishment works are due to begin on 22 Shad Thames on Tuesday, 19 April.
These works were approved by Southwark Planning after the building was award Grade II listed status by Historic England.
Lateral anticipate that the works will last through November 2022.
Details of what is planned for the first four weeks are included in the PDF below.
September 2021
Historic England has awarded 22 Shad Thames Grade II status and turned down developer Lateral's request for a Certificate of Immunity. As a result, Lateral has withdrawn their initial planning application for the building.
Lateral have since submitted a new planning application for the site, which covers a limited number of small updates and changes. Southwark is still considering this application, but the Twentieth Century Society, which submitted the initial listing application, has chosen not to object, only to ask that the building to be finished to a standard that matches the original. STRA has submitted a letter in support of the Society's request.
December 2020
Currently there is a delay while Historic England considers the 20th Century Society's request to list the building.
11 November 2020
As discussed at the STRA AGM, a planning application has been submitted by developers Lateral to redevelop 22 Shad Thames, also known locally as the Conran Building.
In response, the Twentieth Century Society has submitted an application to Historic England asking that the original building be granted listed status.
Should you want to write in support of this application for listed status, you can do so by emailing:
The application reference number is 1473059.
The Twentieth Century Society recommends mentioning the following points:
1. The building was designed by leading architects Michael Hopkins & Partners
2. It was used by two of the 20th centuries most important designers, David Mellor and Sir Terence Conran.
3. It is an excellent example of 'High Tech' architecture and is beautifully crafted from high quality plate glass, steel, and concrete, using a specially-made framework on hand-finished.
4. The design is well-composed and carefully balanced.
In addition, Southwark Council is taking comments on the planning application until 26 November. If you would like to offer comments on the application you can do so here:
How to comment:
1. Go to: https://planning.southwark.gov.uk/online-applications
2. Enter reference number: 20/AP/2682
3. Click on the 'Comments' tab, fill in the form and click 'Submit.'
Written comments can also be submitted to: Southwark Council, Chief Executive's Department, Planning Division, Development Management, PO Box 64529, London SE1 5LX.
Should you want to offer objections to the proposal, these are the best grounds on which to offer your objections:
1. Public visual amenity
2. Sense of enclosure/space
3. Alterations to daylight and sunlight (this is different from 'right to light')
4. Character of the building/experience of the building from street level
5. Conservation area setting
6. Design changes
7. Massing
8. Privacy/overlooked areas
If you have any questions, feel free to contact STRA at info@shadthames.org.
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