
2024 AGM Minutes and Slides

STRA held its 2024 AGM on 14 November at The Dixon Hotel. 


The slide presentation prepared by the STRA Core Group along with the minutes of the meeting are available for download below. 


STRA AGM presentation
STRA AGM 2024 final slides.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 23.1 MB
STRA AGM minutes
STRA AGM 2024 final notes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 150.3 KB

Water Pressure

21 January 2025


Thames Water has admitted that the change in water pressure experienced by residents throughout Shad Thames was not the result of internal plumbing issues as originally suggested, but has been caused by a change in the process by which the One Tower Bridge complex refills its water tanks. 


Thames Water is working on reversing that process. You can read more details here:


Thames Water: Water Supply Interruption
Adobe Acrobat Document 88.0 KB


Masq’s application to extend their hours of operation was refused by Southwark Council on 15 February 2024.


More details here.

Potters Fields Park - Lawn Maintenance - Feb 2024

Message from the Park, 16 February 2024:


"This is to let you know that we will shortly be carrying out our annual programme of lawn maintenance.


Work on Lawn 1 (the narrow strip closest to the river) has already started and is due to be completed next week, with the lawn remaining fenced off for the next few weeks to allow the new turf to establish. 


Work on Lawns 2 & 3 (the two large lawns facing the river) will begin on March 1st, when most of these lawns will be fenced off. The central path between the lawns will stay open to pedestrians.   


The first few days may be noisy, as the old turf is removed and the ground prepared using specialist machinery. All works will be carried out Monday – Friday, with no weekend work, except possible hand works on Saturday mornings should there be any delays caused by weather.


Lawn 4, next to the former Café Nomma, is not affected and will remain open throughout.


Weather permitting, we intend to re-open all the lawns just before Easter."

Ocean Diva update

Ocean Diva announce departure from London.  Full details here.

AGM Slides

Opposite are the slides from the STRA AGM on 23 October 2023.

STRA AGM 2023 - Slides
AGM2023_v5 withConc.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.8 MB

Tower Bridge Court - Management Plan for the operation of the new space

Update October 2023


Details of the new retail offering in TBC have been outlined in the recent submission of an Operational Management Plan to Southwark Planning.


The plan can be found on the Southwark web site or downloaded from the file below:


A diner and drinks operator is proposing to open a food hall with eight micro ‘street food‘ style kitchens and a central drinks bar with a capacity for 400 customers occupying part of the ground and first floor of Tower Bridge Court. The details have been revealed in plans being submitted to Southwark Council with a proposed opening time from 08.00 until 23.30. The concept is part of a new trend offering different day and nighttime dining experiences similar to ‘Market Halls' which have opened in Canary Wharf and Centre Point off Oxford Street. The entrance and exit will be on the corner of Horselydown Lane with Shad Thames. An application for a premises alcohol licence is expected in coming weeks. The upper floors of the nine-storey building will provide office space for around 900 workers. The building is due to be completed June 2024.  


TBC - Management Plan
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.9 MB

STRA AGM - Monday 23 October at 7pm

Our AGM took place on Monday 23 October at 7pm in the Blue Print Cafe, Shad Thames.  


Slides from the meeting can be found at the top of this page.


A summary of the meeting will be posted.  Previous AGM minutes can be found here.




• Welcome & Chair’s Briefing (Kathleen Ehrlich)

• Oceandiva

• Net Zero Marine Services

• Streets Project

• Reports from Committee Officers

• Potters Fields Park and Photography Competition & Exhibition (Jilly Frisch)

• Tower Bridge Court (Jilly Frisch)

• Treasurer's Report and Police Ward Panel (Julian Griffiths-Searle)

• Communications (Paul Crosbie)

• Guest Presentation: Jon Byers from Anderson Rose

• Building a Neighbourhood How-To Guide

• North Bermondsey Ward Councillors' Report (Councillors Emily Tester, Hamish McCallum and Rachel


• Butlers Wharf Riverside Trust Film (Emma Sanderson-Nash, Anna Ludwig)

• Q & A

• Reception

Rotherhithe Illuminated

An historic new night-time landmark will become visible in the coming weeks just a short distance down the riverbank from Tower Bridge and Butler’s Wharf. After multiple delays caused by the Covid shutdown, the ‘Rotherhithe Illuminated’ project to mark the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower in 1620 is finally to get under way.


This will see the spire of St Mary’s Church, clock faces and the Memorial to the Mayflower’s Master Christopher Jones, who lived and died in Rotherhithe, illuminated for all to see from dusk every night. The lighting project provides a permanent reminder of the legacy of the Mayflower which sailed the Pilgrim Fathers from Rotherhithe to the New World.


Funding for the scheme, which was first muted in 2017, has been provided by a wide range of individuals and organisations, including a donation from STRA along with the US Embassy, the Greater London Authority and the Port of London Authority. If you would like to help support this effort, you can donate here: Rotherhithe Illuminated!

A photoshop image of the soon-to-be-illuminated St Mary’s Church


Filming at Butler's Wharf: January 2023

16 January 2023


A major overnight film production will be shooting on Butler's Wharf overnight on 17/18 January. 


This will require the suspension of multiple parking bays throughout Shad Thames begin at midnight Monday, 16 January. 


The production company is offering to assist residents who require alternate parking. You can contact the location managers directly should you need their help to obtain parking or with any other shoot-related issues:


Flora Kinch-Waugh (day time)

Assistant Location Manager

+44 (0) 7791 078 934


David Powell (night time)

Location Manager

+44 (0) 7743 428 191


And should you need to, you can also ring FilmFixer's 24-hour emergency line: +44 (0) 7919 002 115.


For more information about the shoot, please see the letter which was distributed by the production company: 

Back in Action Filming Details
Adobe Acrobat Document 500.9 KB

Diabetes UK – London Bridges Walk - Sunday September 25th 2022

This event is a 10 mile fundraising walk ending at Potters Fields Park, where the event village will comprise healthy food outlets, toilets and exercise/wellness activities, including yoga.  


An estimated 2,000 walkers will arrive from 1230 across all lawns in Potters Fields Park.  The event ends around 1730.



The Queen's Lying-in-State

13 September, 2022


The Shad Thames Residents’ Association wishes to express its condolences following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts are with the Royal family at this time.


As the capital prepares for the Queen’s funeral, it is possible that Shad Thames and adjacent areas along the Southbank will be impacted by large crowds of people queuing to see the Queen’s Lying-in-State.


The details we have at this time are included below. 


The Queue

The Queen will lie in state at Westminster Hall beginning at 17:00 on Wednesday, 14 September until 06:30 on Monday, 19 September. People who want to pay their respects to the Queen have already begun queuing. 


The queue starts in Victoria Tower Gardens, will cross Lambeth Bridge and then run along the Southbank. Preparations are being made in the event that the queue extends all the way to Southwark Park. 

Should the queue reach all the way to Shad Thames, it will join Shad Thames under Tower Bridge and extend down the road, exiting at Jamaica Road and then turning back down Mill Street. At this time, stewards do not anticipate that the non-pedestrianised parts of Shad Thames will need to be closed to traffic. We will update residents should this change.


The queue will remain open 24 hours a day and should move constantly, apart from brief periods when Westminster Hall is being cleaned or used for rehearsals.


Stewards will be on site in Shad Thames beginning Wednesday 14 September. 


According to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, which is responsible for overseeing the queue, the Metropolitan Police will be providing security to keep the queue safe. We are already seeing an increased police presence in Shad Thames, with both foot and bike patrols. 

Toilets and Cleaning

There will be temporary toilet facilities installed along the route. A large number of temporary toilets were delivered to Potters Fields Park this morning. Stewards have been warned that there are no public toilet facilities available within Shad Thames. 


There will also be water and first aid stations along the route. 

Southwark Council will be deploying cleaning staff to litter pick and remove waste 24 hours a day, beginning Wednesday 14 September through Monday. Residents can expect to see the deployment of sack holders to contain waste produced by public in the queue so the bins are not overrun.

Anti-social behaviour


While we hope everyone waiting in line will be on best behaviour, the possibility of anti-social behaviour exists. Should you experience any, including excessive noise, please report it to the police by calling 101.


Fair Community Housing Services - Summer Funday

Filming in Shad Thames, 9 and 10 May

25 April 2022


STRA has been informed by FilmFixer that a large-scale production will be filming in Shad Thames on Monday, 9 May and Tuesday, 10 May, with set up beginning on Sunday, 8 May and a back-up filming date of Wednesday, 11 May. 


While most of the activity will take place within the usual hours agreed with FilmFixer, on both evenings the filming will go until midnight. 


The production company has also obtained permission from Southwark to suspend several parking bays and control traffic on Shad Thames itself. 


After discussions with STRA, the film production company have agreed to several measures to help mitigate any disturbance to residents including: offering blackout materials to any residents who feel they will be impacted by lighting, paid parking in Q Park for any residents whose parking is impacted by the suspensions, and a promise to accommodate any deliveries or special access that residents have already arranged for those dates. 


They have also agreed to a generous donation, which will be used on behalf of Shad Thames residents. 


The map of the areas impacted by the filming is below. 


The production company has provided contact details for residents who would like to be in touch with them in advance of the production with questions or to arrange for blackout materials. 


Eleanor Downey, Location Manager

Mobile: 07779 169 370



Rebecca Dark, Location Manager

Mobile: 07825 189 359



Harry Wyeth, Assistant Location Manager

Mobile: 07725 250 182



Residents can also reach FilmFixer on 020 7620 0391 (during business hours) or on their 24 hour line 020 7620 0391. 

Women's Safety Event

On 8 March 2022, in honour of International Women's Day, STRA held an event focused on the safety of women and girls in Southwark at The Dixon hotel on Tooley Street. 


We were lucky to be joined by Rachel Bentley, who co-hosted the event with STRA, Councillors Humaira Ali and Maria Linford Hall, founder of Su Mano Amiga, Met Police Superintendent Dan Ivey and Detective Superintendent Clair Kelland, members of the Borough Belles WI, Southwark Young Advisors, the security and events teams at London Bridge City, as well as Shad Thames residents and nearby neighbours. 


Councillor Humaira Ali addressing the attendees.

*The STRA  2021 AGM was on Wednesday 20 October at 7:00 pm.   Minutes to follow.*

Zone G Parking Review

Following the Parking Zone G Review, the Council have approved the introduction of new restrictions, effective from 14 March 2022. 


To summarise:


Parking zone ‘G’ will be changed from operating Monday to Friday 8.30am-6.30pm to Monday to Sunday 8.30am to 11pm

The proposals to create a separate CPZ for the Shad Thames area will not go ahead


Full details can be found on the Southwark Council web site:



Reporting Noise Nuisance from Party Boats

 This multiple choice form (link below) generates an email that arrives in your inbox. You need to forward the email to Southwark and the LPHA (email addresses provided in the form). The information is automatically uploaded to a spreadsheet so we can keep track of the most problematic boats.


Boats that conceal their names can be identified using the MarineTraffic app. The current most problematic boat is the River Room, which is recently renamed and shows up on the app as ‘Harmony’.


The link to the form is here:


The email to use if you have a question is

Public Meeting Follow Up

 More than 140 people participated in the April public meeting convened by STRA and Councillors Hamish McCallum and Humaira Ali to discuss anti-social behaviour in the area with representatives of the Met Police Southwark Council, More London, Potters Fields Park, and Team London Bridge (please find minutes from that meeting attached to the item directly below this one). 


In a follow-up call on 3 June, those same stakeholders reported on the steps that have been taken to help alleviate this behaviour. The police, the Park and the Council have all provided extra security over the last two months, which has resulted in a reduction in ASB. Other steps include extra cleaning, bins, lights, CCTV, and signage in the area. Stakeholders reported a rise in ASB across the borough in recent months. 


In addition, both the Park and More London reported that as part of the summer programming they have planned, they will both be providing additional temporary toilets for the summer months, hopefully improving conditions for Shad Thames residents and businesses. 


The police continue to urge residents to report anti-social behaviour by calling 999 while the behaviour is in progress or 101 after the fact. 


There will be another check-in later this summer to be sure that the situation remains stable.

Public meeting - Wednesday, 14 April at 7:00pm

This meeting took place with around 147 people joining the Zoom call.


The purpose of the meeting was to give area residents and business owners a chance to hear from the Police, Council officers, and representatives of More London, Potters Fields Park, and the local business district about the actions they are taking in response to the events of last weekend and their plans for the reopening of licensed premises like pubs and bars. It was also an opportunity for residents and businesses to share their experiences and ask questions.


The meeting was chaired by Councillors Humaira Ali and Hamish McCallum.


The speakers were:


Southwark Council – Jackie McGeever, Manager Southwark Anti-Social Behaviour Unit

Met Police – Inspector Tom Cornish, Neighbourhood inspector at @MPSSouthwark.

Potters Fields – Sheila Benjamin, Chief Executive, Potters Fields Park Trust

More London – Magnus MacAulay, Estate Director, London Bridge City

Team London Bridge – Nadia Broccardo, Executive Director at London Bridge Business Improvement District


STRA would like to thank all the participants for their time and contribution to the discussion.


A summary of the questions that were posted during the meeting, along with answers from contributors will be compiled and distributed to all the attendees in the coming weeks.


Minutes from the meeting can be downloaded here:

Report of PUBLIC MEETING held 14 April 2
Adobe Acrobat Document 123.9 KB

Street Lighting

March 2022


The project is mostly complete.  Please report any issue to


Butler’s Wharf Riverside Trust Design Competition

3 December 2020


The Tide Line – an evocative landscape designed by Ludwig Willis Architects with Structure Workshop and Howard Miller Landscape and Design – has been revealed as the winning concept in the LFA and Butler’s Wharf Riverside Trust’s ‘Reimagining Butler’s Wharf’ competition.


Full details here:


STRA has supported BWRT in principle and through financial contributions since its inception. The announcement of the winner is a major step forward for this project. 


You can also follow BWRT on Twitter (@bwriverside) and on Instagram (@butlerswharfriverside) and visit their website: 

EWS1 Regulation

STRA held a meeting regarding EWS1 regulations on 12 November.  A note of the meeting is opposite.


At the Council Assembly Ordinary Meeting Wednesday 25 November 2020 7.00 pm there was the following motion:


MOTION FROM COUNCILLOR HUMAIRA ALI (Seconded by Councillor Graham Neale)


End our cladding, external wall fire review formEWS1 and snagging scandal


See p23.


Following the meeting Cll Humaira Ali tweeted:


"Please note that the motion was passed amended so is slightly different to this but we wanted a bold start. Whilst somewhat watered down I’m grateful to Labour councillor colleagues for providing detail that only the administration can know to make this more practically viable."
More Information:

The Government clarified the EWS1 Regulations on 21 November.  See the press release below.
STRA Meeting re EWS1 12 Nov 2020
Notes of EWS1 Meeting.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 59.6 KB

Tower Bridge Court Construction Update

Shad Thames Community Support Group

Shad Thames Community Support Group
Adobe Acrobat Document 827.3 KB

What to do with a noise complaint

If you are troubled by noise

nuisance, the document opposite gives some advice from our local Councillors.


In addition it always helps to log your issue with STRA - just click here for more details.

What to do with a noise complaint.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 112.5 KB

Facebook Group - 'Our Shad Thames'

Join our Facebook page, Our Shad Thames, to join in the conversation and see up to date news and comments -

Reporting anti-social behaviour


In order for the Police to have an accurate picture of anti-social behaviour in our local area, please use the link below for reporting anything you see:

Helicopter noise

At the STRA AGM a question was asked about what can be done about helicopter noise in the area.


Anood, our local Councillor, contacted Caroline Pidgeon at the GLA, and received the following reply.  Anood will follow up in the New Year.


You will see from the links below that this is a problem that is receiving London-wide attention.
"Caroline will indeed ask some Mayoral Questions in the New Year, however in the meantime I thought this information from her website might be useful.
Caroline also asked a couple of written Mayoral Questions back in September.   I thought they might be useful.
I also enclose a written Parliamentary Question asked by Tom Brake: "
Mark Morris
Office of Caroline Pidgeon AM
Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member
City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA
Tel: 020 7983 4336
Mob: 07917214788
LD Tweet
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